Teen Life – a community of teens, for teens, by teens. Teen Life exists to build strong, lasting relationships that help teens navigate life together. To pour into them, encouraging and cheering them on to become the incredible individuals God created them to be. To create strong, confident teens, solid in who they are in Christ, on whom the pressures of peers and society have no effect. To empower and equip them to live in their world while confidently sharing the gospel and bringing the light to that world, influencing all those around them for Christ.

Teen Life: Middle School at Max Aiir

Calling all Middle School Students! Join us for a night of fun at Maxx Air on Sun., Feb. 16th, at 6 p.m. Tickets are 25 dollars a student and include 2 hours of jumping, pizza and pop! It’ll be a blast! Bring a friend and we’ll see you there!

Teen Life: Love is Red

LOVE IS RED is a three-day event designed with junior high, high school, and college-age students  in mind. Our goal is to inspire students and develop leaders to know Christ and make Him known. 

Students ages 12-18 years old will travel with chaperones to Faith Life Church in Canton, OH for this conference. 

This years conference is March 6-8,2025 . The cost for this trip for the Teens is $300, which includes the cost of the conference, travel, lodging, and meals. 

KUEST Sports Skills Clinic

Do you want to learn how to be a better baseball or softball player? Would you like to improve your knowledge, skills, and fundamentals in these sports? Do you like to play sports and have fun? If you say ‘yes’ to any of these, you’ll want to come to our KUEST Sports Clinic on Saturday, April 26th, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the River Valley Baseball Complex. This Clinic is for students ages 5 through 12. Cost is 30 dollars per student, and includes a t-shirt, snack and sports training. Water will also be available. Register now at www.yourfamilylife.org.

Teen Life: Camp Impact 2025

Calling all Teens 6th – 12th grade! Register NOW for Camp Impact 2025, July 5th through July 9th, 2025 at Camp Maranatha in Dublin, VA. Cost is $300 for Camp, transportation, and meals during travel to and from camp. Register online at yourfamilylife.org/events.