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Tom and Kathy have served together in ministry for over 20 years. Their ministry has been marked by a strong emphasis of reaching the next generation and has impacted the thinking of churches and organizations across the nation. Tom is unique in his presentation style, making every message both understandable and applicable to real life. Leveraging the use of props, media, technology and a rich heritage of the Word, Tom engages every person on every level with truth and empowers them to grow in Christ. Having led in churches from 40 to 15,000 people, he is a veteran leader with a gift for vision and strategy. A Marion native, Tom considers it an honor to serve the ministry that his parents began in 1964, with Kathy and their amazing children, Grant, Alexandra and Max. Tom and Kathy desire to see a church of people filled with the true power that a relationship with Christ brings, influencing every part of our community.